IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - PC37.20.2/D13, Sept 2014

IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear

active unapproved draft - Revision of
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Organization: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Publication Date: 1 October 2014
Status: active unapproved draft
Page(s): 1 - 84
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7381-9365-6

Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,... View More

Document History

IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All Wiring
This amendment addresses the requirements for control, secondary, and logic-level wiring. It covers wire type, ampacity, and methods for protecting wiring across a hinge.
August 30, 2019
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All Wiring
This amendment addresses the requirements for control, secondary, and logic-level wiring. It covers wire type, ampacity, and methods for protecting wiring across a hinge.
July 26, 2019
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All Wiring
This amendment addresses the requirements for control, secondary, and logic-level wiring. It covers wire type, ampacity, and methods for protecting wiring across a hinge.
September 22, 2015
IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
September 22, 2015
IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear - Redline
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
March 27, 2015
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
March 27, 2015
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
PC37.20.2/D13, Sept 2014
October 1, 2014
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
October 1, 2014
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
August 21, 2014
IEEE Draft Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-clad (MC) medium-voltage switchgear that contains drawout electrically operated circuit breakers is covered. MC switchgear is compartmentalized to isolate components such as instrumentation,...
July 7, 2000
IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear
Metal-enclosed medium voltage switchgear (ME), which can contain either drawout electrically operated circuit breakers or stationary electrically operated circuit breakers in individual three-pole...
December 14, 1994
Supplement to IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear: Current Transformers Accuracies
Metal-enclosed medium voltage switchgear (ME), which can contain either drawout electrically operated circuit breakers or stationary electrically operated circuit breakers in individual three-pole...
June 10, 1994
IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear
Metal-enclosed medium voltage switchgear (ME), which can contain either drawout electrically operated circuit breakers or stationary electrically operated circuit breakers in individual three-pole...
July 6, 1987
IEEE/ANSI Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear
This standard includes only the requirements for metal- clad and station-type cubicle switchgear. These requirements were previously a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.20-1969 (R 1981), IEEE Standard for...