IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - P60079-30-1/D9.1, 2015

IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Explosive Atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements

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Organization: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Publication Date: 29 October 2015
Status: inactive
Page(s): 1 - 69
ICS Code (Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres): 29.260.20
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7381-9837-8

IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the essentialrequirements and testing appropriate to electric surface heating equipment used in... View More

Document History

P60079-30-1/D9.1, 2015
October 29, 2015
IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Explosive Atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements
IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the essentialrequirements and testing appropriate to electric surface heating equipment used in explosiveatmospheres. The...
October 29, 2015
IEC/IEEE International Standard - Explosive atmospheres -- Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating -- General and testing requirements
IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the essential requirements and testing appropriate to electric surface heating equipment used in explosive atmospheres. The...
July 30, 2015
IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard - Explosive Atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements
IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the essentialrequirements and testing appropriate to electric surface heating equipment used in explosiveatmospheres. The...
January 1, 2013
IEEE/IEC Draft Standard for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements for Industrial Applications
This part of IEC 60079 specifies general and testing requirements for electrical resistance trace heaters for application in explosive gas atmospheres. The standard covers trace heaters that may...