IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - 455-1976

IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Measuring Longitudinal Balance of Telephone Equipment Operating in the Voice Band

superseded - Superseded by
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Organization: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Publication Date: 30 September 1976
Status: superseded
Page(s): 1 - 16
ISBN (Electronic): 978-1-5044-0354-2
DOI: 10.1109/IEEESTD.1976.7422618

Telephone companies and equipment manufacturers have generally agreed on a definition for longitudinal balance for many years. This agreement extends also to the basic approach followed when... View More


Telephone companies and equipment manufacturers have generally agreed on a definition for longitudinal balance for many years. This agreement extends also to the basic approach followed when... View More

Document History

July 25, 1985
IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Measuring Longitudinal Balance of Telephone Equipment Operating in the Voice Band
The basic requirements for a test circuit that can be used to measure longitudinal balance are defined. Resistive elements are specified because they are generally considered easy to duplicate and...
September 30, 1976
IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Measuring Longitudinal Balance of Telephone Equipment Operating in the Voice Band
Telephone companies and equipment manufacturers have generally agreed on a definition for longitudinal balance for many years. This agreement extends also to the basic approach followed when...